Ellis December 2023 Feature Release

Ellis December 2023 Feature Release

We are delighted to release new Ellis features in the December. The most important new Ellis features include:

Advanced Shopify Markets Comparisons

Our unique multi-store Shopify Markets support has received a major update. Users can now analyze and compare key performance indicators (KPIs) across all or selected markets side by side, with visual trends over time. The updated Sales Trends Dashboard makes detecting trends and anomalies in different markets even easier, saving a remarkable amount of time spent in analysis. 

Enhanced Product Analysis Dashboard

The enhanced Product Analysis Dashboard allows users to analyze how quickly products have been sold during the selected period. This aids in optimizing inventory quantities and ordering the right amounts of products from retailers or manufacturers. Analysis can be deepened on category, variant, size, or color level, and custom product tags are supported, offering users almost infinite classification dimensions. Results are presented with a heatmap-type chart, making analysis even easier.

Track Point of Sales (PoS) Goals

As Shopify Point of Sales (PoS) gains an even bigger footprint among Shopify merchants, the Ellis team has developed new features requested by our customers and Shopify. Ellis users can now define sales goals individually for online and PoS sales, enabling easier tracking of realized sales. Additionally, daily emails will provide a detailed split of PoS and online sales.

Build Segments with Product Tag

Our customer segmentation tool has been updated with a Shopify product tag-based segmentation option. This allows users to create more sophisticated segmenting strategies with targeted messages - like identifying step-through frame bike buyers (likely female) or buyers from certain collections.

We hope these updates will enhance your experience with Ellis and help drive your business forward. 

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