Last Week Dashboard

Updated March 21, 2024

Last Week dashboard presents status updates on most important eCommerce trends from last week.  It contains also details of last week's best customer enabling e.g. rewards.

Last Week Dashboard Elements

KPI Indicators

  • Total Sales: Total Sales during the last week.
  • Orders: The amount of orders during the last week and the percentage change relative to the preceding week.
  • Average order value (AOV):  Calculated by subtracting the total tax-free discounts from the gross sales in the selected current period and then dividing it by the number of orders. This metric is displayed alongside its percentage change relative to the preceding week.

Daily Total Sales 

  • Daily total sales over the last 2 weeks. 

Top 10 Products 

  • Top 10 Products by the sorted column.

    Order Fulfilment Status

    • The amount of open orders from the last week. Order is considered open if it is neither archived nor cancelled. 
    • Unfulfilled open orders from the last week. Unfulfilled orders have zero fulfilled line items.
    • Partially fulfilled open orders from the last week. Partially fulfilled orders have at least one fulfilled line item.
    • The amount of cancelled orders from the last week. If a canceled order was not fully refunded, then there might be work remaining for the order.
    • Order Fulfilment by Day: This visualization shows the fulfilment status of last week's orders by day. Cancelled orders may be either fulfilled or unfulfilled depending on how it is marked in Shopify. Note that you can show/hide columns by clicking the column name in the legend.

      Product Performance 

      • Top 10 products and categories by the sorted column. 



      • The amount of distinct customers last week and the percentage change relative to the preceding week. Notice that only the identified customers are counted. Customers who have not identified themselves, e.g. in a PoS location, are not included in this figure.
      • The share of customers who have earlier orders. If a new customer placed more than one order during the week, they are considered as a returning customer.
      • Daily average order values. Average order value is computes as revenue divided order count.
      • Daily order counts over the last 2 weeks.


        • 10 most returned products during the last week. Orders may have been placed whenever, but the refunds have been processed during the last week. If there are ties for the 10th position on the list, the tie is broken by refunded amount.
        • 10 most returned product categories during the last week. Orders may have been placed whenever, but the refunds have been processed during the last week. If there are ties for the 10th position on the list, the tie is broken by the refunded amount.

        New & Returning Customers 

        • The amount of daily new and returning customers. The customer is new if they placed their first order, otherwise they are considered returning customers. Notice that if the new customer places another order on the same day, they will be counted also as a returning customer for their second order on that day. Also, if customers place orders on several days over the week, they will be counted as a returning customers for each day they place an order.

        Best Customer 

        • Product purchases from the best customer during last week
        • Lifetime orders from last week's best customer
        • Lifetime total spend from last week's best customer
        • Lifetime refunds from last week's best customer
        • AOV from last week's best customer
        • Order metrics from the best customer during last week
        • Customer details from the best customer during last week