PageSpeed Analysis Dashboard

Updated September 25, 2023

The PageSpeed Analysis Dashboard displays the technical performance of store landing page(s).

Ellis is scheduled to run PageSpeed analysis on a daily basis to detect potential sales conversion deterrents such as:

  • Performance Optimization: Regular Lighthouse tests highlight slow-loading elements, promoting a quicker website that can elevate sales and user experience.
  • SEO Improvement: Lighthouse evaluates SEO best practices, supporting enhanced organic search rankings and visibility.
  • Accessibility Checks: Frequent tests ensure the site is accessible to all, including those with disabilities, expanding audience reach.
  • Best Practices: Lighthouse suggests modern web standards, keeping the site current and secure.
  • Consistent Monitoring: Routine testing pinpoints issues early, preventing potential sales dips and ensuring a uniform, top-tier user experience.

Ellis uses Lighthouse tool for website quality assessment. It reviews performance, SEO, accessibility, and best practices for web pages. Audits are conducted daily on your stores for both mobile and desktop browsers.

The dashboard showcases both the overall category scores and detailed individual audits contributing to the total score.

  • Detailed audit outcomes can be accessed by clicking the overarching score.
  • Utilize the Current Period, Device, and Store Name filters to refine the displayed audit results.

Color coding indicates the performance score:

  • Green: Good (90 to 100)
  • Yellow: Needs improvement (50 to 89)
  • Red: Poor (0 to 49)


Additionally, the dashboard provides weekly benchmarks updates for stores or URLs of your choice. You can use benchmarks also for tracking e.g. own store landing or category pages.

For more information about performance audits details at Lighthouse support documentation.

PageSpeed Analysis Dashboard Elements


Dashboard contains the following KPI. These KPI are updated to reflect the filtering:

  • Average Performance Score: Average performance score over the Current Period in the selected stores and devices. Shows the absolute change in average score relative to the Comparison Period. 
  • Average Accessibility Score: Average accessibility score over the Current Period in the selected stores and devices. Shows the absolute change in average score relative to the Comparison Period. 
  • Average Best Practices Score: Average best practices score over the Current Period in the selected stores and devices. Shows the absolute change in average score relative to the Comparison Period. 
  • Average SEO Score: Average SEO score over the Current Period in the selected stores and devices. Shows the absolute change in average score relative to the Comparison Period. 

Category Score Trends 

Shows the average performance, SEO, accessibility and best practices scores over the Current Period with selected date granularity. The averages are over the selected devices and stores. Clicking individual data point opens individual audit results for the category from the corresponding timeframe. Use Device and Store Name filters to restrict the shown audit results.

Benchmark Comparison 

This table allows the comparison of your stores to the benchmark sites. If your store(s) outperform the benchmark on the benchmark date, the table cell will be green and red otherwise. 

You can enter or delete benchmark store URLs from Ellis Settings.